Typically collegiate athletes struggle with getting the necessary rest. Academics, athletics and community service keep you busy, leaving little time for rest and recovery. One might think that the stay-at-home order presents an opportunity for us to catch up on much needed rest and sleep. However, many are finding it quite the opposite. Experts say that insomnia, disrupted sleep patterns and general feelings of anxiety are not unusual right now. These issues can be bad for one’s mental health. Here are some tips I am following to stay mentally fit.
This tip may seem obvious, but staying in the bed is probably the biggest trap that you can fall into. It’s really tempting to do online classes, watch shows and talk with friends – all in the bed. You may not even realize how much time you’re spending in bed! The key is to get up, get out, and STAY OUT of bed! You will be surprised at what an instant energy boost this simple tip will give you.
During season every athlete loves the “off day.” However, right now you need to have a daily exercise time and routine that you stick to. This is important not only for keeping you physically fit, but it’s equally important for your mental health. Exercise has been shown to raise brain serotonin levels and this can have a positive impact on mood and general well-being. So, get up and get going for your mental health!
A basic rule that collegiate athletes know is that what you eat at the table is as important as what you do on the court. The same can be said during stay-at-home. For many of us, stay-at-home has meant we are not able to eat the same as we normally do. That’s a reality that we have to deal with right now. When and if possible, try not to skip meals and/or replace meals with unhealthy snacks. Chips, cookies and other sugary and salty foods can be an athlete’s worst enemy during season– and the same goes for right now! So don’t sap your energy with bad foods, but instead go for healthy snacks and meal options!